Open Philosophy Seminar: Plato’s Republic

Tuesdays evenings, 6 to 7:30 on Zoom

May 2 to June 20

With Justin Good, Ph. D.

An 8-week online philosophy seminar on Plato’s Republic. This class is open to anyone interested in studying this great masterpiece of philosophy from classical antiquity. We will take a journey together through this beautiful work by Plato, the foundation of political philosophy and ethics in the western tradition; a work which is still provocative and relevant today. Each class will include a 40 min. presentation, followed by an open, free-wheeling discussion guided by the instructor. Classes will be recorded and students will have access to class notes, presentations and videos of each class.

Dr. Justin Good currently teaches philosophy at Central CT State University and Middlesex Community College and serves as Co-Executive Director of The Sanctuary in East Haddam Connecticut. He is the author of Wittgenstein and the Theory of Perception. For more information read his Socratic Statement of Teaching Philosophy.

Tuition: $160 for 8 classes

For more information email

Register HERE.


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